8 Week video course

Through God's Eyes-
Reclaiming Your Identity in Christ

Do you have so many roles to fill and "hats to wear" that you've forgotten who you are?

Do you have negative thoughts about yourself running on repeat in your head?

Do you compare yourself to other women and feel like you aren't good enough?

If any of this sounds familiar, you're in the right place! This video course is designed to help you reclaim your identity in Christ and be able to see yourself through his eyes - as his beloved & precious daughter!

Note: the date & time below is the first day of the course,

but the videos can be watched at your convenience.

May 9, 2022
8:00am Pacific Time

You'll Learn:

Your host Angela will guide you through the course, exploring each of the aspects of your identity in Christ as pictured in the graphic below. You will learn how to identify any negative thought patterns and how to replace them with the truth of who God says you are.

Course Details:

Dates: May 9 - June 27, 2022

Videos will be released on Mondays at 8am PST, but you can watch anytime

Worksheets will accompany each lesson to help you process what you are learning

You will have access to a private Facebook group. This is a great way to connect with other women. I will be available to answer questions and encourage group discussion of the content. This will also be a platform to connect with and pray for each other.

The cost for the 8-week course along with digital course materials and access to the private Facebook group is only $32!
If you prefer a printed booklet instead of the digital format, the cost is $40.

Angela Carter

I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister- but the most important title I hold is CHILD OF GOD!

I spent most of my life feeling out of place, like I didn't belong. The more I tried to fit in, the more miserable I was.

Through a lot of tears, Bible study, & prayer, I have come to realize that God made me just the way I am for a reason.

My sense of adventure & spontaneity; my willingness for change and to try new things have all led me to this place in my life where I am able to launch an amazing online ministry and share the lessons I have learned the hard way, so hopefully, you don't have to!

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